A: Signal Descriptions
ETMTBIT Output Thumb state.
This signal, when HIGH, indicates that the processor is executing the
THUMB instruction set. When LOW, the processor is executing the
ARM instruction set.
ETMBIGEND Output Big-endian format.
When this signal is HIGH, the processor treats bytes in memory as
being in big-endian format. When it is LOW, memory is treated as
ETMEN Input The ETM7 enable signal.
ETMHIVECS Output When LOW, this signal indicates that the exception vectors start at
address 0x00000000. When HIGH, the exception vectors start at
address 0xFFFF0000.
ETMSIZE[1:0] Output The memory access size bus driven by the ARM720T processor.
ETMRDATA[31:0] Output The processor read data bus.
ETMWDATA[31:0] Output The processor write data bus.
ETMINSTRVALID Output The instruction valid signal driven by the ARM720T processor. When
HIGH, it indicates that the instruction in the Execute stage is valid and
has not been flushed.
ETMnRW Output Not read/write. When HIGH, indicates a processor write cycle. When
LOW, indicates a processor read cycle.
ETMCLKEN Output This signal is used to indicate to the ETM that the core is in a wait state.
It is not a true clock enable for the ETM.
TableA-5 ETM interface signal descriptions (continued)Output name Type Description