A: Signal Descriptions
ASignal Descriptions
This chapter describes the interface signals of the ARM720T processor. It contains the
following sections:
A.1 AMBA interface signals ............................................................................. A-1
A.2 Coprocessor interface signals ....................................................................A-2
A.3 JTAG and test signals ................................................................................A-3
A.4 Debugger signals ........................................................................................ A-4
A.5 Embedded trace macrocell interface signals.............................................A-5
A.6 ATPG test signals.......................................................................................A-7
A.7 Miscellaneous signals...................... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... A-7
A.1 AMBA interface signals
The AMBA interface signals are shown in Table A-1.
TableA-1 AMBA interface signals
Signal name Type Description
HCLK Input Bus clock. This is the only clock on the ARM720T processor.
HADDR[31:0] Output 32-bit system address bus.
HTRANS[1:0] Output Indicates type of current transfer.
HBURST[2:0] Output Indicates burst length of current transfer.
HWRITE Output Indicates direction of current transfer.
HSIZE[2:0] Output Indicates size of current transfer.
HPROT[3:0] Output Protection control signals
HGRANT Input Bus transfer granted.
HREADY Input Indicates that the current transfer has finished.
HRESP[1:0] Input Indicates transfer status.
HWDATA[31:0] Output Write data bus.
HRDATA[31:0] Input Read data bus.
HBUSREQ Output Bus transfer request.
HLOCK Output Indicates locked access.
HCLKEN Input Bus clock enable.
HRESETn Input Global reset.