1: Introduction
Condition fields, {cond}, are shown in Table 1-11.Table1-11 Condition fieldsSuffix Description C ondition(s)
EQ Equal Z set
NE Not equal Z clear
CS Unsigned higher, or same C set
CC Unsigned lower C clear
MI Negative N set
PL Positive, or zero N clear
VS Overflow V set
VC No overflow V clear
HI Unsigned higher C set, Z clear
LS Unsigned lower, or same C clear, Z set
GE Greater, or equal N=V (N and V set or N and V clear)
LT Less than N <>V (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V set)
GT Greater than Z clear, N=V (N and V set or N and V clear)
LE Less than, or equal Z set or N<>V (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V set)
AL Always Always