You can save the image that is currently being projected as a User's Logo.
When a User's Logo is saved, the previous User's Logo is erased.
Project the image you want to use as the User's Logo, and
then press the [Menu] button.
Using the Remote Control Using the Control panel
Select Extended - "User's Logo" from the configuration
menu. s "Using the Configuration Menu"
Check the buttons you can use and the operations they perform
in the guide under the menu.
If User's Logo Protect from Password Protect is set to On, a
message is displayed and the user's logo cannot be changed. You
can make changes after setting User's Logo Protect to Off.
s p.34
If User's Logo is selected when Keystone, E-Zoom, Aspect, or
Progressive are being performed, the function currently being
performed is cancelled.
When "Choose this image as the User's Logo?" is displayed,
select Yes.
When you press the [Enter] button on the Remote Control or the
Control panel, the screen size may change according to the signal
as it changes to the resolution of the image signal.

Saving a User's Logo