This comes on when the printer is out of paper.

Also on the control panel are two touch switches that let you choose the print style and size. These are the SelecType buttons, which are described in the next section.


The SelecType feature consists of two buttons on the control panel. These buttons select the most used printing features-Near Letter Quality (NLQ) and condensed.

With the two SelecType buttons, you can produce any of the four typestyles shown below:

NLQ can also be condensed for more characters on a line.

Draft is for fast printing and NLQ for higher-quality work. In the condensed mode all characters are about 60% of their normal width.

Two NLQ fonts are available: Roman and Sans Serif. You select them by using the FORM FEED and LINE FEED buttons while the printer is on line. The FORM FEED button selects Roman, and the LINE FEED button selects Sans Serif, A software command to change the NLQ typeface is also available in the Epson mode.

NLQ Roman is clear and typewriter-like.

NLQ Sans Serif is c r i s p and d i s t i n c t i v e .

If you want NLQ printing, simply press the NLQ button. If you want condensed printing, simply press the CONDENSED button.

When you press either SelecType button, it beeps twice and its orange indicator light turns on to show that you have selected it. If you


Setting Up Your FX Printer