
This manual describes how to initialize your Epson® EquityTM I+ after it is assembled, and how to test the condition of your computer and peripherals. To set up and test your system, you use a set of programs called diagnostics. The five main diagnostics programs are:


Use this program when you first set up the


computer, and any time you change the


system’s permanent date or time or the serial


port configuration.

Format hard disk

Format diskette

System diagnostics

Prepare hard disk for moving

Use this program to check or format the entire hard disk after installation.

Use this program to format a diskette for use by the System diagnostics tests. This program is provided for convenience only, so that you can format a diskette without exiting diagnostics.

Use these programs whenever you add or remove optional devices, or if you suspect that the system is defective. You also run these diagnostics after moving the system from one place to another and after replacing the internal battery.

Use this program before moving the computer to another location.

The diagnostics programs are stored on your diagnostics diskette, which is labelled Diagnostics and System-dependent Utilities for the Equity I+. As well as the diagnostics, this diskette contains three utilities that are used exclusively by the Equity I+. These utilities are:


This utility provides information on the


MS’“-DOS commands.


This utility displays the computer name and


ROM BIOS version number.


This utility displays the system parameters.
