If an error occurs during any of these tests, record the error code and

message, or print them out. Then contact your Epson dealer.

When you finish running the color adapter check, press 0 and Enter to return to the DEVICE LIST.

Color graphics adapter check

To check the color graphics adapter, press 1 and then Enter.

The computer checks the video RAM (display memory) on the display adapter by writing test data to memory, and then reading it hack and comparing it to the written data. The video enable signal of the display controller chip is also tested.

Attribute check

To check the display attributes of the color graphics adapter card, press

2 and Enter.

Several messages and displayed showing examples of all the possible display attributes and colors. Check the information displayed on your screen, and respond to the prompt:

Is the display correct (Y/N)?

Press Y and then Enter if the display is correct.

If the colors are not correct, adjust the controls on your display monitor. If they are still incorrect, press N and Enter.

Contact your Epson dealer to verify any monitor problems.
