You have several ways to navigate through the manual:

Click in the table of contents on the left side of the screen to move quickly to the topic of your choice.

Use the arrow buttons in the toolbar or on the vertical scroll bar on the right side of the screen to move through the manual.

If you hold your mouse pointer over text and the hand changes to an index finger, you can click to jump to a related topic.

For more information, see your Acrobat Reader online guide.

Getting More Information

Need more tips on giving presentations? How about quick steps for setting up your projector? Here’s where you can look for help:

Includes a library of articles covering presentation tips, tricks, and technology. The site provides templates, clip art and sound clips, as well as Presenters Services to use on the road. Even more resources and services are available if you register to join the Presenters Club®—and it’s free.

Quick Setup sheet

Gives you all the instructions you need to get your projector set up and connected to a laptop or PowerBook computer.

Owner’s Kit

Includes your Quick Setup sheet, international warranty, EPSON Extra CareSM Two Year Road Service, CD-ROMs, and EPSON PrivateLine Support card. Store this User’s Guide in the folder and keep the folder with your projector at all times.

Built-in help system

Provides assistance for common problems. Available from the Help button on the projector or the remote control. See page 53 for details.

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