If the main board malfunctions and is unable to read out the contents of the EEPROM, replace the
main boardwith a new one, and follow the steps below.
1. Replace the ink cartridgecurrenly installed on the printhead with a new one.
2. Replace the waste ink pad with a newone.
3. Reset usersetting paramete rs (see Table1-13 in Chapter 1).
❒Perform the Bi-D Alignment and the Zig-Zag adjustments.
❒Never perform the EEPROM clear operation described in Table 1-13 of Chapter 1, because it
all data stored in the EEPROM, including parameters definable only at the factory. Ink System InitializationIf you replace the ink cartridge or printhead during repair, you must also initialize the ink system
status stored in the EEPROM. Since the ink system is managed using status information stored in the
EEPROM (i.e., ink consumption, number of flushing operations, etc.), status information becomes
inconsistent if you replace the ink cartridge or the printhead without initializing the ink system, and
thiscan cause incorrect error indications or ink system malfunctions.
1. Replace the ink cartridgeor the printhead with a new one.
2. Runadjustment program CLR200.EXE, and select EEPROM Data Manipulation from the
main menu.
3. Ifyou replaced the ink cartridge, choose INK COUNTER CLEAR from the sub menu,or if you
replaced the printhead, choose INITIAL-CHARGE FLAG RESET. Maintenance Error ClearThe ink system monitors the amount of unused ink discarded to the waste ink pad, and when the
amount reaches a predefined limit, the printer warns the user by indicating a Maintenance Error. This
means the waste ink pad needs to be replaced. If the waste ink pad needs to be replaced, whether or not
a Maintenance Error is indicated, followthe steps below to clear the error.
1. Replace the waste ink pad with a newone.
2. Turn the printeroff.
3. Turn the printeron while holding down the LOAD/EJECT and CLEANING buttons on the control
panel. The Ink End and Paper Out LED lamps start blinking.
4. When these LED lampsstart blinking, press the LOAD/EJECT button within 3 seconds and hold it
downfor 10 seconds or more.
5. Then press theCLEANING button to execute the Maintenance Error Clear operation.
❒Be sure to replace the waste ink pad with a new one.
Adjustments EPSON Stylus COLOR 200 / EPSON Stylus 200
4-6 Rev. A