The Epson Stylus Color 200/Epson Stylus 200 printer are color ink jet dot matrix printers that come with a
64-nozzle black printhead and a 60-nozzle CMY color printhead, either of which can be installed in the
printer. The Epson Stylus 200 version comes standard with only the 64-nozzle black printhead; however, the
CMY color printhead can be purchased as an optional upgrade. Whenever this manual mentions the Epson
Stylus Color 200, its descriptions are equally applicable to the Epson Stylus 200. The major printer features
❏High-quality color print
-720 dpiprinting
-720 dpiprinting on plain paper
-720, 360dpi printingon special coated paper
(Use themonoc hromehead only withplain paper)
❏High-speed print(10CPI)
Monochrome head: 125cps (LQ)
CMY head: 200cps(LQ/one-pass printing)
Note: TheCMY head prints 360dpi printing in threepasses.
❏Built-inauto sheet feeder
-Transparency films(A4 and letter)
-Envelopes(10 sheets)
-Plainpapers (100 sheets,64g/m2)
-Parallel I/F only(8-bit parallel:IEEE P1284 mode)
❏Easy setup
-No DIPswitche s
❏3 scalablefonts and 3 LQfonts standard
-Roman T, Sans SerifH, Roman, Sans Serif (scalable)
-Roman, Sans Serif, Courier, ( bitmapLQ)
❏Character tables
-9 charactertab les (standardversion)
-15 character tables(NLSP version)
❏Low runningcost
Thefigure below showsthe EPSON Stylus Color200.
Figure 1-1.Exterior Viewing of EPSON StylusColor 200
Epson Stylus Color200 /EpsonStylus 200 Product Description
Rev. A 1-1