This printer must be lubricated only O-11 when you need a lubrication for carriage guide shaft. If you
lubricatewith another oil,it could permanently damagethe printhead unit..
Although this printer requires no specific maintenance on a regular basis, recommends that you clean the
followingthorough ly wheneveryou get achance.:
❏Outer case
Use asoft, clean cloth, dampened with milddetergent, ifnecessary.
❏Auto sheet feeder
If the inside of the auto sheet feeder is dirty (dusty), carefully brush away all dust and dirt using a soft
brush. Ifthe pickuproller of thesheet feeder is dirty,clean its surfacewith asoft, clean clo th.
❏Inside theprinter
If you notice any dust or dirt that has accumulated inside the printer when you open the outer case for
repair,remo vealldust and dirtusing a smallvacuu m cleanerdesigned for such purposes.
❏Use only O-11 oil when lubricationg the carriage guide shaft. If you lubricate with another oil,
it could permanently damage the print head unit.
❏Never use paint thinner, trichloroethyylene, or ketone-based solvents for cleaning. These
chemicals can damage the components the printer.
❏Do not use a hard or abrasive brush for cleaning.
❏Be careful not to damage the components of the printer when using a vacuum cleaner.
❏If ink gets into your eyes, flush them immediately with clean water and ask for medical attention.
❏Disconnect the printer from the power source when you clean inside the printer.
❏Once removed ink cartridge must be replaced to the brand-new cartridge when the printer is
sent back to the user.(Regfer to the following ink cartridge code)
●Black: 1023206 , Color: 1029341
❏When the printer is sent back to the user or during the transport, the cartridge should remain to
be installed in the main unit. Since protective material is required to protect carriage during the
transport, it should be ready for avilability.
❏It is encouraged to use the adjustment program to adjust the head angle and location when the
print head is replaced.
6.1.1 Printhead Cleaning
If print quality deteriorates, clean the printhead using the built-in printhead cleaning function. The printer also
has an automatic printhead cleaning cycle to ensure proper nozzle operation for ink ejection and to preserve
theprinthe adin the best condition.Performing thecleaning moreoften wastes ink.
1. Turn the printer on and press the Cleaning button. The Power light flashes during this cycle and then
stays on whenit is finished.
2. Turn off the printer.
Epson Stylus Color200 /EpsonStylus 200 Maintenance
Rev. A 6-1