If you frequently use programs that require low or automatic speed, use SETUP to change the processor speed. Your new setting remains in effect until you change it again using SETUP. See Chapter 2 of the Setup Guide for instructions.

If you use these programs only occasionally, you should use the keyboard commands or the ESPEED program (described below) to change the processor speed. These methods temporarily override the SETUP processor speed setting.

Entering Keyboard Commands

You can change the processor speed temporarily by entering a command from your keyboard. You can use these commands only if you have enabled the Software speed change option in the SETUP program. (Enabled is the default setting.) If this option is disabled, you cannot use the keyboard commands. The keyboard speed setting commands are listed in the table below.

Speed setting commands

Numeric keypad commands

Automatic (high speed: low speed only during diskette access)


Low (simulated 8 MHz)


To enter these commands, hold down the [cbll key and the m key simultaneously and then press the &l, i5- , or m key on the numeric keypad.

Using Your Computer 1-31