Positioning the Projector 21
Positioning the Projector
If the projector isn’t already installed in the room you’re using, you’ll probably want to place it on a table in front of the screen. This lets you stand in the
front of the room, face the audience, and remain close enough to the equipment to be able to control it. Try to leave as much space a s possible between the
projector and the screen to get a good-size image.
Use the illustrations and tables below to help you determine placement. Imag e size increases with distance, but can vary depending on which lens you’re
using and whether you’ve adjusted the image with zoom or any other settings.
PowerLite Pro Z8000WUNL, 16:10 image, Rear projection wide lens (ELPLR04)
AProjection distance
BThe distance from the center of the lens to the base of the screen. This
changes depending on the setting for vertical lens shift.
CCenter of lens
Screen or image size Projection distance (1) Offset from lens center (2)
60 inches 38 inches (97 cm) 15.9 inches (40 cm)
70 inches 45 inches (114 cm) 18.5 inches (47 cm)
80 inches 52 inches (131 cm) 21.2 inches (54 cm)
90 inches 58 inches (148 cm) 23.8 inches (61 cm)
100 inches 65 inches (165 cm) 26.5 inches (67 cm)
110 inches 72 inches (182 cm) 29.1 inches (74 cm)
120 inches 79 inches (200 cm) 31.8 inches (81 cm)