Ericsson DT292 To change the PIN code, Select Press, Enter the new PIN code again and press

Models: DT292

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PIN code

Your phone is initially provided with a pre-set PIN code (Personal Identification Number). You should change this PIN code to a personal PIN code to prevent misuse.

To change the PIN code

Route: Settings » PhoneLock » ChangePIN



EnterOldPIN: is displayed.

Enter the current PIN code (default 0000) and press. Either EnterNewPIN: or Wrong PIN is displayed. In the latter case, you have entered a number that does not match the current PIN code.

Enter the four digits of the new PIN code and press. RepeatNewPIN is displayed.

Enter the new PIN code again and press.

Either New PIN accepted or Wrong New PIN is displayed.

Note the new PIN code for future use.

If you incorrectly enter a new PIN code three times in a row, your phone leaves this menu option.

In other situations, if you enter an incorrect PIN code three times in a row, your phone is blocked and PIN Blocked, Unblock? is displayed. See section “IPEI code” on page 8 to unblock your phone.



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Ericsson DT292 manual To change the PIN code, Select Press, Enter the new PIN code again and press