Section 2 - Safety
2.1 ANSI Warning Notices
Failure to observe reasonable precautions in the use of this product may result in fire, injury, electrocution and/or death. Please observe all notices and warnings. This equipment must be installed in accordance with all applicable national, state, county, and/or municipal codes. If you are in doubt about any phase of installation or operation, contact the manufacturer immediately for assistance. While this entire document is important, certain portions may require your special attention. These passages are clearly marked with the notices shown below. Please observe all safety notices carefully. Each has a specific meaning.
C A U T IO N in d ic a te s a p o te n tia lly h a z a rd o u s s itu a tio n w h ich , if n o t a vo id e d , co u ld re su lt in
m in o r o r m o d e ra te in ju ry . It m a y a ls o b e u s e d to
a le rt a g a in s t u n sa fe p ra c tic e s .
W A R N IN G in d ic a te s a p o te n tia lly h a z a rd o u s s itu a tio n w h ich , if n o t a vo id e d , co u ld re su lt in d e a th o r s e rio u s in ju ry .
D A N G E R in d ic a te s a n im m in e n tly h a z a rd o u s s itu a tio n w h ich , if n o t a vo id e d , w ill re s u lt in d e a th o r s e rio u s in ju ry .
2.2 Inherent Hazards
This product uses electricity and high voltages are present inside the cabinet. This product is equipped with a lockout/tagout feature on the input circuit breaker to prevent accidentally energizing the product during installa- tion, maintenance, and/or repair. This product is also equipped with safety interlock circuits, which will de- energize the product when a cover is removed. In all such cases, hazardous touch voltages will still be present at the rear of the product’s input circuit breaker where input power feeds are attached. Working on the product under such circumstances is classified under SEMI
Failure to follow proper safety precautions as well as intentionally defeating the safety interlocks built into the product’s design will negate the safety features designed into this product and may subject the user to death or serious injury.
2.3 Alerts and Labels
This product’s enclosure is provided with warning labels in appropriate locations to call your attention to important user information. The labels and their locations include the following:
Conditioned Power Center | 7 |