manner, pushing on its FROM
The square of the pawn being
Sudden and Tournament can be
and TO squares normally.
PromotingWhen yourPapawnsreaches the other end of the board, Alex- andra will automatically pro- mote the pawn to a queen, since this is the best choice in nearly every case. In the unlikely event you want to promote your pawn to a piece other than a queen, takeback Alexandra’s move, next use Alexandra's SET UP feature to make the piece change, and then press
When Alexandra pushes a pawn to your back row, it will always promote to a queen. Remember to replace the pawn with the proper piece on the board after either side promotes a pawn.
En Passant—
takingan pawn in passing
For en passant capture, press the FROM and TO squares of the capturing pawn.
captured will then appear on the display. This is to remind you to remove the captured pawn. You must press down on the captured pawn before removing it.
Taking BacktakeCapture
After you back a cap- ture, the square of the captured piece will then appear on the display. This is to remind you to put back the captured piece. You must press on the square of the captured piece.
Levels of Play
Alexandra offers six level types. Two types (PLY and MATE) are for analysis. The other four level types are for play.
Press LEVEL to see the cur- rent level. Press LEVEL repeatedly to change to a differ- ent level type. Press CLEAR to return to normal play.
Level types Beginner, Fixed,
adjusted for three different strengths. While viewing the level, use the OPTIONS key to select “E” for Easy, “A” for Average, and “H” for Hard. (See choices below.)
Beginner⋅Level Type¬
Press the or the key to select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, or 15 seconds per move. Here are the choices:
BE001 BE002 BE003 BE004 BE005 BE007 BE010 BE015 BA001 BA002 BA003 BA004 BA005 BA007 BA010 BA015 BH001 BH002 BH003 BH004 BH005 BH007 BH010 BH015
Fixed Time⋅ Level ¬Type Press the or the key to select 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 seconds or 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 5:00 minutes per move. Fixed Time Level “inf” is infinite time, and Alexandra will stop thinking only when the MOVE key is pressed or a mate is found. Here are the 13
FE001 FE002 FE003 FE005 FE010 FE015 FE020 FE030 FE045 FE100 FE130 FE200 FE230 FE300 FE500 FEinF FA001 FA002 FA003 FA005 FA010 FA015 FA020 FA030 FA045 FA100 FA130 FA200 FA230 FA300 FA500 FAinF FH001 FH002 FH003 FH005 FH010 FH015 FH020 FH030 FH045 FH100 FH130 FH200 FH230 FH300 FH500 FHinF
Sudden Death⋅ Level¬ Type Press the or the key to select the amount of time in minutes for the entire game. If you run out of time, you lose or forfeit, “FORFT” will be shown on the display. Here are the choices:
SE 05 SE 10 SE 15 SE 20 SE 30 SE 45 SE 60 SE 90 SA 05 SA 10 SA 15 SA 20 SA 30 SA 45 SA 60 SA 90 SH 05 SH 10 SH 15 SH 20 SH 30 SH 45 SH 60 SH 90