VN-Matrix 300 • System Conguration 33
Encoder Streams Panel
The Streams panel of the Configure page for an encoder provides information on any
active streams that are configured on the encoder.
zStream definition — Provides information on any active streams from the Encoder.
z Streams are provisioned at the display (decoder) device.
z Once a stream has been provisioned the details will appear in the listing.


When the multicast option is not selected, a decoder may connect using either:
zTCP/IP connection — Used for guaranteed delivery on point to point (single connection)
zRTP UNICAST connection — Streams are sent as RTP Unicast.
NOTE: In this mode, up to 4 simultaneous streams are supported. This is
dependant on the total aggregated bit rate – which must not exceed
270 Mbs.

Configuring a Multicast Connection

When the Multicast enable option (see figure 19) is selected, the user may configure a
multicast connection.
zThe user is prompted to enter a Multicast group address in the range 224.nnn.nnn.nnn
to 239.nnn.nnn.nnn.
zStreams are sent as RTP Multicast.
zNote that the VN-Matrix 300 supports IGMP V2 for multicast working.

New export stream

This function is not supported.