VN-Matrix 300 • Firmware, License Upgrades, and User Accounts 57
User AccountsChanging User Login Passwords
From the Device List page click the Accounts tab.
Figure 42. Accounts Page
The VN-Matrix 300 has three user accounts:
zAdministrator — which allows full read/write access to all setup parameters,
zPublic Account — which allows read only access to setup parameters.
zRecorder GUI Account — which allows full read and write access to all setup
parameters for the VN-Matrix recorder.
NOTE: The VN-Matrix Recorder features are not covered in this user guide.
Enter the Current Password for the user account you want to change.
Then enter the new password in both the New Password and Confirm fields.
NOTE: The password can include letters, numbers and the underscore character,
and is case-sensitive.
zClick the Update Password button to save the change. The new password will be
required the next time you login.