VN-Matrix 300 • System Conguration 48
Decoder — Bit Rate and Stream StatisticsThe bit rate and statistics for each of the stream types (video, audio and FEC) may be
NOTE: The bit rate statistic reported here applies to whichever stream type is being
monitored. This is different to the bit rate statistics reported by the encoder,
which is for the total of all stream types.
Select the stream that is to be monitored by selecting the appropriate entry in the
bandwidth list.
The following example is specic to the video data. Note that the scheme for audio and FEC
data is the same.
Bandwidth page — stream statistics
Figure 35. Stream Statistics on Bandwidth Page
zSource — Reports the currently select stream.
zrtp destination — Reports the IP destination address and port for the current stream.
When connecting using RTP this will be either a multicast group address or, for RTP
unicast, the IP address of the decoder. When connecting using TCP, this eld will be
zrtp source — Reports the multicast group address that reception statistics will be
reported to. In RTP unicast and TCP modes this reports the IP address of the encoder.
zPlayback Delay — This defines the playback delay. The playback delay is the sum of
the transit time in the network and the time spent in the input buffer of the decoder.
This setting may me modified by the user.
z Setting the Playback Delay too small results in the playback image jumping as
network loading changes.
z Setting the Playback Delay too large increases the image latency and may result
in internal buffer overflow on high bandwidth data streams. This causes a jumpy
screen update and screen flashing.
The Playback Delay setting should be set to a value between 0.1 and 0.2 seconds.