VN-Matrix 300 • System Conguration 50
Data input to the server is sent to all clients simultaneously. Data received at a client is sent
to the server. Simultaneous data transfers are processed on a first in first out basis.
Any number of pass-through groups may exist on the same network.
Communication may only take place between a client and a server; it is not possible to
communicate from client to client.
Configuring a Serial Pass-through Group

Server Mode

Decide which device is to be the server.
1. On the Device page, select the peripherals tab.
2. On the Peripherals page, set the mode (a) to server.
3. Configure the other settings (b) (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, and handshake)
as required.
4. Click the Save All tab.
Figure 37. Serial Pass-through Group — Server Mode