VN-Matrix 300 • Firmware, License Upgrades, and User Accounts 56
LicensingEach VN-Matrix 300 unit is supplied with a feature set that is dened by a license key and a
structure. This is not intended to be changed as part of normal operation and this section is
provided for information only.
Figure 41. License Page
License structure
The licensed features are represented in the by the structure. The characters used in the
structure and their meaning are outlined below.
NOTES: • This information is provided for interest only; it is not essential for a user to be
familiar with this.
• As the range of licensed features increases, additional characters will be added
that may not appear in the list presented here.
Character String Representing
VNumber of supported video (encoder) channels
DNumber of supported display (decoder) channels
NEnables ancillary channel support.
mA Internal use – not user option
mH Internal use – not user option
oS Internal use – not user option
oD Internal use – not user option
SSupported video transports (SDI, HDSDI, 3GSDI)
UNumber of supported audio (ancillary) channels