VN-Matrix 300 • Firmware, License Upgrades, and User Accounts 54
Device Upgrade status messagesDevice Upgrade
Description Action
Wait This is the normal state when the unit
is running with the current version of
zBrowse to and load a new
version of firmware. The new
file is held in the controller.
zSelect the firmware version for
the upgrade.
zSelect the foward button to
move to the Prepare state.
Prepare This state is reported when an upgrade
file has been selected and is being
uploaded to the unit. During this time,
the upgrade file is copied to a separate
(alternate) area of FLASH MEMORY
ready to be used by the VN-Matrix 300
that is to be upgraded.
Wait until the Upgrade status box
Ready To Activate During this state, the device has
loaded the new rmware to FLASH
MEMORY and is ready to run the
zSelect the foward button to
activate the new firmware and
move to the Ready To Commit
zSelect the reverse button to
abandon the upgrade via the
BACKOUT state.
Ready To Commit During this state, the device is running
the new firmware. The old firmware is
still available to be used if the upgrade
is unsuitable.
zSelect the forward button
to permanently store the new
version of firmware and move
to the Committing state.
zSelect the reverse button to
abandon the upgrade via the
Ready To Activate state.
Committing At this point, the new firmware
version is being written the main
FLASH MEMORY. The original
firmware is overwritten and is no
longer available for use.
The new code has been committed
when the status returns to the
Wait state.
Backout The firmware version that is held in
the main flash area is being written to
the alternate flash memory area.
Select the Reverse button to
abandon the upgrade.
Device restarting The controller has temporarily lost
contact with the device while the
device is restarting.
To install the new firmware into a VN-Matrix 300 unit