Model 8/10 PLUS
The Model 8/10 PLUS Switcher control software is a program called UNIVSW. It is Windows® 3.1, 3.11 and Windows 95 compatible and provides remote control of input selection.
Installing the Software
The program is contained on a single 3.5” diskette and will run from the floppy drive. However, it will be more convenient to load and run it from the hard drive. To install the software from the 3.5” floppy disk onto the hard drive, run SETUP.EXE from the floppy disk. The program will occupy approximately 1 MB of hard drive space.
The Windows installation will create (by default) a C:\UNIVSW directory and will place 2 icons (UNIVSW Program and UNIVSW Help) into a group or folder titled “Extron Electronics”.
Using the Software
1.For information about program features, double click on the UNIVSW Help ICON in the Extron Electronics group or folder. [Help can be accessed from its Icon
2.To run the software, double click on the UNIVSW Program ICON in the Extron Electronics group or folder.
3.A Comm menu will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Comm Port that is connected to the Model 8/10 Switcher
4.The Extron UNIVersal SW Control Program window displays input selection (see picture below).