Serial Communication
The DVS 406 can be remotely controlled via a host computer or other device (such as a control system) attached to the rear panel
The scaler uses a protocol of 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.
The rear panel
Pin |
| Description |
1 | – | No connection |
2 | Tx | Transmit data |
3 | Rx | Receive data |
4 | – | No connection |
5 | Gnd | Signal ground |
6 | – | No connection |
7 | – | No connection |
8 | – | No connection |
9 | hardwired IR | IR input |
5 1
DB9 Pin Locations
RS-232 Programmer’s Guide
Host-to-scaler communications
SIS commands consist of one or more characters per field. No special characters are required to begin or end a command sequence. When the DVS 406 determines that a command is valid, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. All responses from the scaler to the host end with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF = ), which signals the end of the response character string. A string is one or more characters.
It is also possible to send several SIS commands
Scaler-initiated messages
When a local event such as a front panel selection or adjustment takes place, the DVS 406 scaler responds by sending a message to the host. No response is required from the host. The
(C) Copyright 2002, Extron Electronics, DVS 406, Vx.xx
The DVS 406 sends the copyright message when it first powers on. Vx.xx is the firmware version number.
Error responses
When the scaler receives a valid SIS command, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. If the DVS 406 is unable to execute the command because the command is invalid or it contains invalid parameters, it returns an error response to the host.
The error response codes and their descriptions are as follows:
E01 – Invalid input channel number (the number is too large)
E10 – Invalid command
E11 – Invalid preset number
E13 – Invalid value (the number is out of range/too large).
E17 – Illegal command for this signal type.