SlotServer Start-Up Guide

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Note that there are several hardware ports available on the SlotServer card, but that this SlotServer model only makes use of a select few. The ports and displays of interest are as shown in the diagram below:

Scrolling display shows card messages

Card Status Indicators show general card status

Service Pin for LonWorks Commissioning

Communications Status LED’s show status of communications and card software.

TP/FT10 LonWorks Connection. This two wire connection is polarity insensitive and can be multi- dropped into a LonWorks Network.

Ethernet Port. The Ethernet port can be used with standard Ethernet cables for configuration and troubleshooting, as well as for Protocols that require an Ethernet connection

RS-485 Port. This is a standard 2-wire RS-485 port.

Specify as R1 in the configuration.

A label has been provided on the inside of the cover door for the User to document important or useful configuration parameters used. In particular, special provision has been made to document the Ethernet port IP parameters, as well as the LonWorks DSN (Domain/Subnet/Node) allocated by the Network Manager. These fields are there to be utilized at the User’s discretion.

Figure 1: Diagram of SlotServer showing ports and displays

FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email:

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Image 4
FieldServer FS-RA-CLX-PRO, FS-RA-CLX-FIR Slotserver Ports and Displays, Diagram of SlotServer showing ports and displays