Authorized Service Centers
SAN ANTONIO - Texas Shaver & Appliances,
8121 Callaghan Road, 78230, (210)
TEMPLE - Master Tech Repairs, 2819 West Avenue North, 76504, (817)
WICHITA FALLS - Allens Appliance Service, 2403 10th Street, 76309, (940)
OREM - The Mending Shed, 1735 South State Street, 84058, (801)
SALT LAKE CITY - Appliance Service Center, Inc., 1475 South Main, 84115, (801)
WILLARD - Peak Electric Co Inc, 780 N 200 W, 84340, (435)
ALEXANDRIA - D & S Repair Service, 20 South Dove Street., 22314 (703)
LOUISA - Lakeside Electric Const., 4344 Davis Highway Suite 2, 23093, (540)
RICHMOND - Wells Inc., 3502 Jefferson Davis Highway, 23234, (804)
ROANOKE - Commonwealth Shaver & Appliance Service, 5524 Williamson Road, NW, 24012, (540)
VIRGINIA BEACH - Commonwealth Electric Shaver, 549 Newton Road #108, 23462, (757)
WINCHESTER - Battery Mart of Winchester, Inc., 1 Battery Dr., 22601, (703)
ARLINGTON - Cordz Limited, 6516 211th Avenue, | ELK MOUND - Epp Electronics, |
98223, (360) | EE, 54739, (715) |
KENNEWICK - At Home Electronic Services Inc., | GREENBAY - Kastle Carts, Inc., 2301 N. Irwin Ave., |
313 East First Avenue, 99336, (509) | 54313, (414) |
SEATTLE - Action Small Appliance, 2125 2nd Avenue, | LACROSSE - Paul’s Shaver Service, 1224 Caledonia |
98121, (206) | Street, 54603, (608) |
SEATTLE (BELLEVUE) - Action Small Appliance | MILWAUKEE - Abby Electronics, 4295 S. 20th Street, |
Service, 1500 145th Place, SE, 98007, | 53221, (414) |
(206) | MILWAUKEE - Brand Appliance Repair, Inc., |
SPOKANE - Aalwaco Appliance, N 3007 Argonne Road, | 6601 W Oklahoma Avenue, 53219, (414) |
99212, (509) | MONONA - Kiefers Shaver & Appliance, 4511 Monona |
WEST VIRGINIA | Drive, 53716, (608) |
| |
BECKLEY - Jerry’s Detectors, Vacuum & Appl. Svc., |
411 Second Street. 25801, (304) |
CHARLESTON - Sneed’s Vacuum & Sewing Center, |
2614 7th Avenue, 25312, (304) |
(800) |
HUNTINGTON - Mike’s Appliance and Service, |
212 20th Street, 25703, (304) |
MARTINSBURG - Battery Mart, 1494 Winchester |
Avenue, 25401, (304) |
VIENNA - T & S Lawn - Landscape & Power |
Equipment, 1100 10th Street, 26105, (304) |
(800) |
WHEELING - Fast Service Center, 1058 Main Street, |
26003, (304) |