WIRING: 5-PIN Connector (Trigger Inputs)
Violet: (+) Door Pin Switch Input
Same as the GREEN wire below except this wire is used for vehicles that show a positive voltage (+12 volts) when the door is open and a ground when doors are closed as in many Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles.
Green: (-) Door Pin Switch Input
Identify the wire that reads ground when any door is open and 12 volts when all doors are closed. Some vehicles may have isolated door triggers. In this case you may need to run additional wires from other doors or go directly to the wire that triggers the vehicle’s interior dome light. Sometimes newer vehicles contain a separate body control module (BCM) where the door trigger circuit can be located. Most vehicles will NOT require the use of BOTH Green and Violet door trigger wires.
Blue: (-) Hood/Trunk Pin Switch Input
Input trigger for a grounding hood or trunk pin switch. Connect to existing hood and trunk pin switches that read ground when open. If no existing switches are available, install new pin switches if desired. Note: DO NOT mount new pin switches in water pathways.
Pink: (+12V) +/- Diesel Glow Plug Input or Passive Carjack Input (Programmable Input Wire)
+/- Trigger: See diagram (Pg. 29) for Jumper Pin Configuration.
+/- Glow Plug Input (Diesel Vehicles Only)
Connect Pink wire to indicator circuit that shows a (- or +) Signal while the “WAIT TO START LAMP” is on. When this wire is used, the system will wait until light turns off before attempting a remote start.
Passive Carjack Trigger
When using Carjack protection, connect this Pink wire to a (+ or