For units equipped with other than solid state (analog) controllers, place the computer or controller ON/OFF switch in the ON position and set the controller to – or program the computer for – the desired frying temperature, referred to as the setpoint.
NOTE: The heating elements will cycle on and off until the frypot temperature reaches 180°F (82°C). During the
To ensure that the frypot is free of any contamination resulting from its manufacture, shipping, and handling during installation, the frypot must be boiled out before first use. Frymaster recommends boiling out the frypot each time the oil or shortening is changed.
Never leave the fryer unattended during the
1.Before turning the fryer on, close the frypot drain valve and fill the frypot to the bottom OIL- LEVEL line with a mixture of cold water and detergent.
2.For units equipped with a solid state (analog) controller, set the thermostat to 195°F (91°C). For units equipped with a digital controller, set the setpoint to 195°F (91°C).
For units equipped with a Basket Lift Timer, press the
For units equipped with Computer Magic III computers,
•Press the Power switch followed by the Program Mode switch . Code will appear in the left display.
•Enter the code number 1653. The right display will read boil. The temperature is
automatically set for 195°F (91°C). The fryer will attain this temperature and remain there until the Power switch is pressed, which cancels the
3.Place the fryer into operation in accordance with Section 3.1.
4.Simmer the solution for 1 hour.
5.After the solution simmers for 1 hour, turn the fryer off, allow the solution to cool, then add 2 gallons (7.75 liters) of cold water and stir. Drain the solution into a suitable container and clean the frypot thoroughly.