The Fn (Function) Buttons

The roles played by the six function buttons can be selected in the setup menu (P91) or by pressing and holding the DISP/BACK button and choosing a button from the menu shown at right. The options available include bracketing and advancedfilters(P40),macromode(P41),depth-of-fieldpreview(P48), autosensitivitycontrol(P50),theself-timer(P35),imagesize(P79),image quality(P109),dynamicrange(P79),filmsimulation(P42),whitebalance

(P43),AFmode(P78),focus-frameselection(P45),customsettings(P71),IntelligentFaceDetec- tion (P38), RAW/JPEG toggle (P69), and aperture setting (P82) and wireless (P97) options. The default options are shown below:

Fn1 button

Fn2 button

Fn3 button

Bracketing and advanced fi lters (P40)

Wireless options (P41)

Macro mode (P41)

Fn4 button

Fn5 button

Fn6 button

Film simulation (P42)

White balance (P43)

Focus-frame selection (P45)

RYou can also display options for any of the function buttons by pressing and holding the button.

Buttons (Function) Fn The