The DRIVE Dial

QPanoramas are created from multiple frames; expo- sure for the entire panorama is determined by the first frame. The camera may in some cases record an greater or lesser angle than selected or be unable to stitch the frames together perfectly. The last part of the panorama may not be recorded if shooting ends

before the panorama is complete.

QShooting may be interrupted if the camera is panned too quickly or too slowly. Panning the camera in a

direction other than that shown cancels shooting.

QThe desired results may not be achieved with mov- ing subjects, subjects close to the camera, unvary- ing subjects such as the sky or a field of grass, sub- jects that are in constant motion, such as waves and waterfalls, or subjects that undergo marked chang- es in brightness. Panoramas may be blurred if the subject is poorly lit.

Viewing Panoramas

In full-frame playback, you can use the rear command dial to zoom panoramas in or out. Alter- natively, you can play the panorama back using the selector.

Press the selector down to start playback and press again to pause. While playback is paused, you can scroll the panorama manually by pressing the selector left or right; vertical panoramas will scroll vertically, horizontal panoramas hori- zontally. To exit to full-frame playback, press the selector up.