FFocus Mode



The camera continually adjusts focus to reflect changes in the distance to the uCONTINU- subject even when the shutter button is not pressed halfway (note that this in-

OUScreases the drain on the battery). Choose for moving subjects.

Position the subject in the center focus area and press the selector left. Focus will xTRACKING track the subject as it moves through the frame.

RManual FocusUse of a tripod is recommended. Focus may be affected if the camera moves.

Use the IFOCUS CONTROL DIAL option in the setup menu (P130) to reverse the direction of rotation of the sub-command dial.

The camera will not focus if the sub-command dial is rotated past infinity.While the FFOCUS MODE is selected to M MANUAL, macro mode cannot be used.

To focus using autofocus, press the selector left. This can be used to quickly focus on a chosen subject in manual focus mode.

R Note that in u and x modes, the camera focuses continuously, increasing the drain on the battery, and that the sound of the camera focusing may be audible.

RIf a face is detected when uis selected, a oicon will be displayed and the cam- era will continuously adjust focus to maintain focus on the face.

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