Function Command
Horizontal tab execution
Set horizontal tabs
The values of n1 to nk in this command
are the ASCII values of the print
columns (at the current character width)
at which tabs are to be set.
(1 < n < 255) (1 < k < 255)
Move to print column n (1 < n < 255)
Move dot column n/360 inch
(n = n1 + n2 × 256)
The value below is for 136-column printers.
(0 < n1 < 255) (0 < n2 < 19)
(0 < n2 × 256 + n1 < 4895)
Horizontal relative move by n/360 inch
(-999 < n1 n2 n3 < +999)
n1, n2, and n3 are the hundreds, tens, and
units digits of the distance.s is a plus
or minus ( + or -) sign.
Vertical tab execution
Set vertical tabs
The values of n1 to nk in this command
are the ASCII values of the lines (at the
current line spacing) at which tabs are
to be set.
(1 < n < 255) (1 < k < 64)
Move to line n (1 < n < 255)
ESC e R (s)
ESC D (n1) ... (nk)
ESC HT (n)
ESC $ (n1) (n2)
(n1) (n2) (n3)
ESC B (n1) ... (nk)
ESC VT (n)
Page Formatting
Set right margin (0 < n < 255)
Set left margin (0 < n< 255)
Set perforation skip by n lines
(1 < n < 127)
Perforation skip off
Set page length to n lines
(1 < n < 127)
ESC Q (n)
ESC 1 (n)
ESC N (n)
ESC C (n) or
ESC FF (n)
C-6 User's Manual