Function Command
Set vertical tabs
The values of n1 to nk in this
command are the ASCII values of the
lines (at the current line spacing)
at which tabs are to be set.
(1 < n < 255) (1 < k < 16)
Move to dot line (d1 + d2 × 256)/360(*1) inch
n1 = 2, n2 = 0
(0 < d1 < 255) (0 < d2 < 127)
Vertical relative move by (d1 + d2 × 256)/360(*1)
n1 = 2, n2 = 0
(0 < d1 < 255) (0 < d2 < 127)
-32768 < d1 + d2 256 × 32768
ESC ( v (n1) (n2)
ESC B (n1)...
(nk) NUL
ESC ( V (n1) (n2)
(d1) (d2)
(d1) (d2)
Page Formatting
Set right margin to column n
(1 < n < 255)
Set left margin to column n
(0 < n < 255)
Set top and bottom margins from top of page
n1 = 4, n2 = 0
Top margin = (t1 + t2 × 256)/360(*1) inch
(0 < t1 < 255) (0 < t2 < 127)
Bottom margin = (b1+b2 × 256)/360(*1) inch
(0 < b1< 255)
(0 < b2 < 127)
Set perforation skip by n lines
(1 < n < 127)
Perforation skip off
Set page length to n lines (1 < n < 127)
Set page length to n inches (1 < n < 22)
Set page length to (d1 + d2 × 256)/360(*1) inch
n1 = 2, n2 = 0
(0 < d1< 255) (0 < d2 < 127)
ESC l (n)
(t1) (t2) (b1) (b2)
ESC Q (n)
ESC ( c (n1) (n2)
ESC N (n)
ESC C (n)
ESC ( C (n1) (n2)
(d1) (d2)
*1 The value depends on the pitch set by the ESC (U command.
The default is 1/360 inch.
C-30 User's Manual