G e t t i n g t o K n o w Y o u r L i f e B o o k
(1) | Application A Button |
(2) | Application B Button |
(3) | Internet Button |
(4) |
Enter Button
Figure 2-20 LifeBook Security/Application Panel
LifeBook Security/
Application Panel
A unique feature of your LifeBook is the Security/Appli- cation Panel that allows you to secure your LifeBook from unauthorized use. The Security/Application Panel also allows you to launch applications with a touch of a button when your system is on.
If the security system is activated, upon starting your LifeBook or resuming from suspend mode the security system requires you to enter a password code using the buttons on the Security/Application Panel. After entering a correct password, your LifeBook resumes system operation. (Figure
When you receive your LifeBook, the security panel application is
The following sections will provide detailed information on your security panel, how to set, change or remove passwords.
Numbered Buttons
Use these buttons to enter your password.(Figure
Enter Button
After entering the button strokes, push this button to enter the password into the LifeBook. (Figure
one or up to four buttons simultaneously. The following are valid button strokes:
■Pushing [4] by itself
■Pushing [2] and [3] at the same time
■Pushing [1], [2], and [4] at the same time
■Pushing [1], [2], [3], and [4] at the same time
The following are valid passwords. The numbers within braces ({ }) are button strokes using more than one button.
■{[2]+[3]}, [1], [enter]
■[4], [enter]
■{[1]+[3]}, {[2]+[3]+[4]}, [1], [4], [2], [enter]
Setting Passwords
When shipped from the factory, no passwords are set. You have a choice of having no password or setting a supervisor and user password. You must set the super- visor password before the user password.
The purpose of supervisor password is to be able to bypass the user password in case the user password is forgotten. The supervisor password alone will not lock the system.
You have to set both the supervisor and user passwords for the security panel to work.
The user and supervisor password may be set on this LifeBook. A supervisor password is typically the same for all LifeBooks in a working group, office, or company to allow for system management. Individual LifeBooks in a group environment should not use a common pass- word. A password consists of one to five button strokes plus the enter button. A valid stroke consists of pushing
Setting Supervisor Password
You must have set a supervisor password before setting any user passwords. The supervisor password can bypass the user password.
1.Go to the Start menu.
2.Click on Run.
3.Type in FJSECS.EXE, then press [Enter]