
The uninstall process removes the software and returns the hard disk to its pre-installation state.

When you want to remove this scanner driver program from your PC, uninstall by the following procedures.

1. Turn on your PC and Log on to Windows®.

When using Windows® 2000, Windows® XP or Windows ServerTM 2003, log on as an administrator.

2.Close all of the applications on Windows®

3.Select [Control Panel] from [Start] menu. The [Control Panel] is displayed.

4.Double-click [Add/Remove Programs] from the icon list of the [Control Panel]. The properties of [Add/Remove Programs] is displayed.

5.Select "Scanner Utility for Microsoft Windows" from the "Install/Uninstall" list.

6.Click [Add/Remove] button.

7.When the confirmation dialog is displayed, click [OK] button if you are ready to uninstall.

8.When uninstallation is completed, click [Finish] button.

Image files that have been scanned and saved will not be deleted.

If other TWAIN-compliant applications and drivers have been installed and you are asked whether or not to delete files shared with them such as the TWAIN Manager, select [NO] to avoid deleting them.

The screen and operations may differ slightly depending on the OS that is being used. <In case of Windows® XP>

- [Add/Remove Programs] [Add or Remove Programs] - [Add/Remove] button [Change/Remove] button