Appendix B Automated System Recovery (ASR) 91
4Subsequently, insert the driver floppy disk, the ASR floppy disk,
etc. in accordance with the displayed messages.
When the message “ Cannot copy a file nnn (nnn indicates a file name)” appears, insert the
driver floppy disk which was created at step 2 at the prearrangement to read an objective file.
If "The file 'qltowin.sys' on Quantum LTO Tape Drive for Windows 2000/XP/2003 is needed.
Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK." is displayed, specify "c:\ temp" in
the copy source and click "OK".
5When "Start Automate d System Re covery Wi zard" appe ars, inser t a
ASR backup data data-cartridge. Then the recovery task starts.
6When the recovery task is completed, restart the system and
check the recovery task was completed correctly.