About Actions (for Mac OS users)
Converting into Word/Excel Documents

This section explains how to convert the scanned image data into Word/Excel files using

ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap bundled with the ScanSnap.

zABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap must be installed in your computer in order to perform
zUse this function in a computer environment where Word and Excel are installed.
If Word is not installed in your computer, text-only results of converted documents to Word
will be displayed in TextEdit. If Excel is not installed in your computer, you cannot view
documents converted to Excel. Install these programs to view the converted documents on
your computer.
zABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap can be used with the following versions of Word and
- Word: 2004 / 2008
- Excel: 2004 / 2008
zDo not use this function while you are working in Word or Excel. In addition, do not use Word
or Excel while this function is being executed. If you use either Word or Excel together with
this function, the conversion result is saved to a file, but the conversion result may not be
displayed even if the [Open file after recognition] checkbox is selected on the [FineReader for
ScanSnap Preferences] window.