Part Numbers and Replacement Cycle of Consumables
You can check how many times consumables have been used by following the procedure
1. Select [Check consumable supplies] from the Right-Click Menu.
Refer to "Right-Click Menu" (page 41) for more information about the Right-Click Menu.
DThe [ScanSnap Manager - Check consumable status] dialog box appears.
2. Check how many times consumables have been used.
DReplace the consumables referring to [Target value to change supplies] as a
1. Select [Check consumable supplies] from the ScanSnap Manager menu.
Refer to "ScanSnap Manager Menu" (page 170) for more information about the
ScanSnap Manager menu.
DThe [ScanSnap Manager - Check consumable status] window appears.
2. Check how many times consumables have been used.
DReplace the consumables referring to [Target value to change supplies] as a