About Actions (for Mac OS users)
Without using the Quick Menu
1. Select [Settings] from the ScanSnap Manager menu.
Refer to "ScanSnap Manager Menu" (page 170) for more information about the
ScanSnap Manager menu.
DThe ScanSnap setup window appears.
2. In the [Application] pop-up menu in the [Application] tab, select [Scan to
Word] or [Scan to Excel].
To disable the Quick Menu, you need to clear the [Use Quick Menu] checkbox in the ScanSnap
setup window.
Refer to "Without Using the Quick Menu" (page 177) for more details about how to perform
scanning without using the Quick Menu.
zIt is recommended to select [Auto] or [Best] for [Image quality] in the [Scanning] tab in
the ScanSnap setup window when you convert documents into Word or Excel files.
zYou can also set the profile by selecting [Scan to Word] or [Scan to Excel] from the
[Profile] pop-up menu or from the Profile menu.
zWhen you save the desired settings as profiles, they can be selected from the Profile
menu next time you perform a scan.
For more details about how to save scan settings, refer to "Saving Scan Settings" (page