Chapter 2: Restrictions
No | Restriction | Alternative Method | Date of |
| Removal |
7 | When registering an updated IDL definition | When creating IDL definition | Not |
| containing inheritance of two or more | files to be registered in an | determined |
| interface declarations in an interface | interface repository, do not |
| repository, the inheritance cannot be | create the same interface |
| registered in the repository under the | declaration in different IDL |
| following conditions: | definition files if two or more |
| 1) Another IDL definition file is included in | interface declarations are to |
| be inherited. |
| |
| the IDL definition, and |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| 2) The interface declaration in the included |
| |
| |
| IDL definition file is inherited in two or more | [INTF_A.idl file] |
| IDL definition files, and | interface A {...} |
| 3) The two or more IDL definition files in |
| |
| [INTF_BC.idl file] |
| |
| condition 2) are updated and registered in |
| |
| |
| the interface repository. | #include "INTF_A.idl" |
| Example: | interface B:A {...} |
| [INTF_A.idl file] | interface C:A {...} |
| interface A {...} |
| [INTF_B.idl file] |
| #include "INTF_A.idl" |
| interface B:A {...} |
| [INTF_C.idl file] |
| #include "INTF_A.idl" |
| interface C:A {...} |
8 | ':' cannot be specified in the constant | None | Not |
| expression in the case statement of a union. |
| determined |
The maximum numbers of elements vary in the Java mapping.
•Enumeration (enum): 1,024
•Structure (struct), union (union), and exception structure (exception): 254 ("long long" and "double" are each counted as 2.)