Notes on the Database Linkage Service
Notes on Development using Functions for the Java Language Provided by the Database Linkage Service of Interstage 1.1 or Earlier
Use environment under Database Linkage Service installation directory/pc/lib/J11.
Maximum Number of Resources for One Transaction
The maximum number of resources that can be used in a transaction using the isinit command is four. This value cannot be changed.
Sample Provided with Database Linkage Service
Use Pro*COBOL1.8.27 when you precompile the COBOL data base cooperation service sample application. When Pro*COBOL R8.0.5 is used, the following line should be deleted from the COBOL sample:
According to this, reserved words declared in the COBOL register and library ($OD_HOME/include/COBOL/CONST.cbl) cannot be used.
CORBA Server Application is Operated using Multi Thread
If resource management program or OTS system is