Notes on Using the EJB Service
When Interstage JDBC Driver is Used
1) Data Type
The support range of the data type is as follows.
Supported Data Types
•integer type (int, smallint)
•round number type (float, real)
•character string type (char, varchar, text)
•binary type (binary, varbinary, image)
•money type and smallmoney type
•decimal type and numeric type
•datetime type and smalldatetime type
•Other data types (timestamp)
The timestamp type of the SQL Server is for fetching only and can be used in the BMP.
Unsupported Data Types
•integer type (tinyint, bigint)
•bit type (bit)
•other data types (cursor, uniqueidentifier, sql_variant, table)
•Unicode character type (nchar, nvarchar, ntext, sysname)
2)Format of the datetime Type and smalldatetime Type
When updating the data of the column of the datetime type and smalldatetime type, specify the data in the following format.
Description Format
Note: millisecond is not supported.