Chapter 2: Restrictions
Restrictions on the EJB Service
Table 2-5 Restrictions on the EJB Service
No. | Restriction | Remarks | Date of |
| Removal |
1 | The long type data type cannot be used as an argument | None | Not |
| or return value for the client/server communication. |
| determined |
2 | In JDK/JRE 1.2.2, any class in which String data of 64 | None | Not |
| KB or more is set to one variable in the class cannot be |
| determined |
| used as an argument or return value for EJB |
| applications. |
3 | In the client/server communication in JDK/JRE1.2.2, | None | Not |
| when the interface shown below is used in business |
| determined |
| method parameters and return value, the method for the |
| stored interface type cannot be issued. This is the case, |
| even if the interface type that can be communicated in |
| the application execution by the RMI over IIOP was |
| stored in that interface. |
| - java.util.Collection |
| - java.util.Enumeration |
4 | When defining a Bean in the Rapid invoking Bean, if it | None | Not |
| uses JDK/JRE1.2.2, the return value cannot use the |
| determined |
| finder method of java.util.Enumeration or |
| java.util.Collection. |
5 | Using "remove" as a business method name may lead | None | Not |
| to unexpected results. |
| determined |
6 | When distributed transactions are used, if any of the | None | Not |
| following methods from the javax.ejb.EJBContext API |
| determined |
| are called from some particular methods, an |
| IllegalStateException will be thrown. |
| - getCallerIdentity() |
| - getCallerPrincipal() |
| - isCallerInRole(Identity role) |
| - isCallerInRole(String roleName) |
| If any of the above methods are called from one of the |
| following methods, an exception will be thrown. |
| - For STATEFUL Session Bean |
| beforeCompletion |
| afterCompletion |
| - For Entity Bean |
| ejbStore |