My iPod/iPhone will not connect to the Head unit while in the dock.

If your Head unit displays “Not Connected” while using iPod as input source:

Check that you are using the correct sleeve combination. If you have the incorrect sleeve combination this could prevent the iPod connector from mating correctly. It could also dam- age the connector in the dock or your iPod/iPhone itself.

If you are uncertain which iPod model you have, go to to get the correct model information for your iPod and sleeve.

If you are still unable to connect once you know for certain you have the correct iPod/iPhone–sleeve combination:

Ensure that you have the latest version of operating soft- ware installed in your iPod/iPhone and the latest iTunes version. To do this, connect your iPod/iPhone to iTunes and it will check and, if necessary, prompt you to download the latest version.

If you are still unable to connect once you have confirmed that you have the latest software or you have updated your iPod/iPhone:

Reset the iPod/iPhone (see the user manual for your Apple product) and also reset the Head unit (see FUSION user manual).

If you are still unable to connect:

Contact your FUSION dealer or contact FUSION via the tech email on the FUSION website.



Wireless Remote App for iPad and iPhone


The first thing to check is that you are connected to the correct

Link Wireless

wireless network for the 700 series.Once you have confirmed this


close the App on the device and restart it (consult the manufacturers

displays “No

website for instructions on restarting) . If this fails check that you have

stereo available”

a valid IP address on the 700 series and follow the instructions in the


below tech support item




The first thing to check is that the 700 series is displaying a valid IP


address on the about screen. Select the settings menu then about to

Wireless remote

confirm. If the display is “ IPNone “ the router is either not a compatible

aplication wil

DHCP product or not configured correctly. If the IP address starts

not connect to

with the prefix 169. it is not valid, this is a default address when the

my 700 Series

router is not sending a DHCP generated IP address or is configured


incorrectly. Please review the Router’s instruction manual or contact


the manufacturers website for technical help.




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Fusion MS-IP700 manual Problem Solution Wireless Remote App for iPad and iPhone