Starting your server

If nothing happens when you press the power button:

Make sure that the power cord is plugged in securely and that your UPS (if you are using one) is plugged in and turned on.

Make sure that the monitor is connected to the server, plugged into the power outlet or UPS, and turned on. You may also need to adjust the monitor’s brightness and contrast controls.

2 The first time you turn on the server, any pre-installed operating system may begin asking you for configuration settings. See your operating system’s documentation for instructions on configuring advanced settings for your specific network.

Understanding the power-on self-test

When you turn on your server, the power-on self-test (POST) routine checks the server memory and components. If POST finds any problems, the server displays error messages. Write down any error messages that you see, then see “Error messages” on page 68 and “Beep codes” on page 71 for troubleshooting information.