Appendix A: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Information


Professional PCs, Gateway Profile, Gateway Solo, green stylized GA TEWAY, green stylized Gateway logo,
Gateway Teacher:)Ware, Gateway Video:)Ware, HelpSpot, InforManager , J ust click it!, Learn@Gateway, Kids
BackPack, SERVE-TO-ORDER, Server Watchdog, the Spotted G Gateway Logo and the Spotted G Logo,
SpotShop, Spotshop.com, and Your:)Ware are trademarks of Gateway , Inc. Intel, Intel Inside logo , and P entium
are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are
used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective