Console Redirection
Parameter | Description | Option |
Console Redirection | Select whether to enable console | Serial Port 1 |
| redirection. Console redirection | Serial Port 2 |
| enables users to manage the | Disabled |
| system from a remote location. |
Terminal Type | Select a terminal type to be used for | VT100 |
| console redirection. | VT100+ |
| ANSI |
Bits per second | Select the baud rate for console | 9600 |
| redirection. | 19200 |
| 57600 |
| 115200 |
Data Bits | Select the Data Bits. | 7 |
| 8 |
Parity | A parity bit can be sent with the data | None |
| bits to detect some transmission | Even |
| errors. | Odd |
| Even: parity bi is 0 if the num of 1's | Mark |
| in the data bits is even. | Space |
| Odd: parity bit is0if num of 1's the |
| data bits is odd. |
| Mark: parity bit is always 1. |
| Space: Parity bit is always 0. |
| Mark and Space Parity do not allow |
| for error detection. |
Stop Bits | Stop bits indicate the end of a serial | 1 |
| data packet. (A start bit indicates the | 2 |
| beginning). |
| The standard setting is 1 stop bit. |
| Communication with slow devices |
| may require more than 1 stop bit. |
Flow Control | Flow control can prevent data loss | None |
| from buffer overflow. When sending | Hardware RTS/CTS |
| data, if the receiving buffers are full, |
| a 'stop' signal can be sent to stop |
| the data flow. Once the buffers are |
| empty, a 'start' signal can be sent to |
| |
| control uses two wires to send |
| start/stop signals. |
Recorder Mode | When this mode enabled, only text | Enabled |
| will be send. This is to capture | Disabled |