Reference:The PhoneTree Call Status Screen
❶The File Menu: Allows you to Configure your Client settings (page 6) or to Exit the program.
❷The PhoneTree List: Displays a list of all PhoneTrees currently calling. Check the entries in the Status, Pri(ority), Placed and Completed columns for information about what is happening with each PhoneTree. We will talk about each of these in more detail below.
❸More Info: Click these arrows to see more information about each PhoneTree, including Start Date, Start Time, Call From, Till, Call
Days, Pause At, Resume At, Night, Call File, MaxRings, MaxNo9s and Xfer To. The More Info arrows are used instead of a scroll bar because the PhoneTree Name remains on the left side of the screen while you look at the other columns of information. We will discuss each of these in more detail below.
❹Server Status: There are three options here: Calling (green light), Paused (yellow light) and Off (red light). Calling means that the PhoneTree software is running and is currently in its call mode (the Call Screen is up on the server machine). Pausing! or Paused means that the PhoneTree software is running, but not in its call mode (one of the other Desktops may be displayed). Off means that the PhoneTree software is not running on the PhoneTree Host machine.