Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Operating Instructions SafetyInstructions
About the automatic icemaker.
Automatic Icemaker (on some models)
Theicemakerwill producesevencubes per cycle—
approximately100–130cubes ina 24-hour period,
depending on freezer compartmenttemperature,
roomtemperature,numberof dooropeningsand
otheruse conditions.
Seebelow forhow to accessice and reachthe
Ifthe refrigeratorisoperated beforethe water
connectionis made to theicemaker,set thepower
switchin theO (off) position.
Whenthe refrigeratorhas been connectedto
thewater supply,set thepower switchto the l (on)
position. The icemakerpower lightwill turngreen
whenthe freezerlightswitch is pressedin or when
thefreezerdoor is closed.
Theicemakerwill fill withwater whenit coolsto
15°F(–10°C).A newly installedrefrigeratormay
take12 to 24 hoursto begin makingice cubes.
Youwill heara buzzing soundeach time
theicemakerfills withwater.
Throwawaythe first fewbatches of iceto allow
thewater lineto clear.
Besure nothinginterfereswith thesweep
ofthe feelerarm.
Whenthe bin fillsto the levelof the feelerarm,
theicemakerwill stop producing ice. It is normal
forseveralcubes to be joinedtogether.
Ifice is not usedfrequently,old icecubes will
becomecloudy,taste staleand shrink.
NOTE:In homeswith lower-than-average water
pressure,you may hearthe icemakercycle multiple
timeswhen makingone batchof ice.
NOTE:Set thepower switchto the O (off) position
ifthe water supplyis shutoff.

Anewly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.


Accessing Ice and Reaching

the Power Switch

Toreach theicemakerpower switch,pull
theshelf abovethe ice binstraightout. Always
besure to replacethe shelf.
Toaccess ice,simply pullthe bin forward.
Toaccess ice.
Toreach the power switch.

Icemaker Accessory Kit

Ifyour refrigeratordid not come alreadyequipped
withan automaticicemaker, an icemaker
accessorykit is availableat extracost.
Checkthe backof the refrigerator for the specific
icemakerkitneeded foryour model.
To Use the Dispenser (on some models)
Pressthe glassgentlyagainst thetop of the
dispenser cradle.
Thespill shelfis not self-draining. To reducewater
spotting, the shelf shouldbe cleanedregularly.
Ifno water is dispensedwhenthe refrigerator is
firstinstalled,theremay be air in thewater line
system.Pressthe dispenserarm forat least two
minutesto removetrappedair fromthe water line
andto fill the watersystem.To flush outimpurities
inthe water line,throwaway the firstsix glassfuls

Lockingthe Dispenser

Pressthe LOCKpad for 3 secondsto lock
thedispenserand controlpanel.To unlock,
pressand holdthe pad againfor 3 seconds.
To Use the Internal Water Dispenser (on some models)
Thewater dispenserislocated on theleft wall
insidethe refrigeratorcompartment.
Holdthe glassagainst therecess.
Pushthe waterdispenserbutton.
Holdthe glassunderneaththe dispenserfor
2–3secondsafter releasingthe dispenser
button.Watermay continueto dispense
afterthe buttonis released.
Ifno water is dispensedwhenthe refrigerator is
firstinstalled,theremay be air in thewater line
system.Pressthe dispenserbuttonfor at least
2 minutesto removetrappedair fromthe water line
andto fill the watersystem.During thisprocess,
thedispensernoise maybe loud as theair is
purgedfromthe water linesystem.To flush out
impurities in the waterline, throwaway the first
6 glassfuls of water.
NOTE:To avoidwater deposits,thedispenser
shouldbe cleanedperiodicallyby wiping with
a cleanclothor sponge.