Consumer Support Troubleshooting Tips Operating Instructions SafetyInstructions
Forlong vacationsor absences,remove
foodand unplugthe refrigerator. Cleanthe
interiorwitha baking sodasolutionof one
tablespoon(15 ml) of bakingsoda to one
quart(1 liter)of water.Leavethe doors open.
Setthe icemakerpowerswitch to theO (off)
positionandshut off thewater supplyto
Ifthe temperaturecandrop belowfreezing,
havea qualifiedservicerdrain thewater
supplysystem(on some models)to prevent
seriouspropertydamagedue to flooding.
Care and cleaning of the refrigerator. (cont.)

Behind the Refrigerator

Becarefulwhen movingthe refrigerator
awayfrom thewall. All typesof floor
coverings can be damaged,particularly
cushionedcoveringsand those with
Raisethe levelinglegslocated atthe bottom
frontof the refrigerator.
Pullthe refrigeratorstraightout and returnit
topositionby pushing itstraightin. Moving
therefrigeratorin a sidedirectionmay
resultin damageto the floorcovering
Lowerthe levelinglegsuntil theytouch
When pushing the refrigerator back, make
sure you don’t roll over the power cord or
icemaker supply line (on some models).

Preparing for Vacation

Preparing to Move

Secureall looseitemssuch as base grille,
shelvesanddrawers by tapingthem
securely inplace to preventdamage.
Whenusing a handtruck to movethe
refrigerator,do not rest thefront or back
ofthe refrigeratoragainstthe handtruck.
Thiscould damagethe refrigerator. Handle
onlyfrom thesides of therefrigerator.
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upright
position during moving.